I came accross this parody of "We Thee, Oh God, For A Prophet". Who ever wrote it is definitely in Satan's, the great deciever's, clutches. They seem to think it is timely, due to tomorrow's court decision.
We thank thee, oh God, for a Profit
To defraud us in these Latter Days
We thank thee for spinning the Gospel
to confuse our minds every day
Will we be Gods, or won't we?
I've been promised my own planet
Tithing is now optional,
but it used to be commandment
We sure love you, Tommy Monson
Who else speaks in triplicate?
We thank thee for all the platitudes
Without you, what would widows do?
We want our money back
we gave in days gone past
We feel it was put to bad use
And now, everyone, Let's Go Shop!
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