Thursday, March 20, 2014

Stick on Tattoos - Let us fight against evil

I was shocked and horrified when my dear granddaughter, Michelle, came over to my house. She had a "stick on tattoo" attached to her hand.
She, in her childlike manner, proudly asked, "Grandma! Do you like my tattoo?" Readers, it looked like this:

I didn't know what to say, but the spirit told me that I should have her wash the vile tattoo off. She asked "Why? I like it!" in which I responded, "Our dear prophets have cautioned against the very appearence of evil. Our prophets have counciled us against having tatoos. Now, dear, go into the bathroom and wash it off. You don't want to go against the prophets, remember the primary song, Follow the Prophet?" She replied yes, she did remember singing that song and went and washed it off.

Let me quote our dear President Hinkley in is talk, Great Shall Be the Piece of the Children
"Now comes the craze of tattooing one’s body. I cannot understand why any young man—or young woman, for that matter—would wish to undergo the painful process of disfiguring the skin with various multicolored representations of people, animals, and various symbols. With tattoos, the process is permanent, unless there is another painful and costly undertaking to remove it. Fathers, caution your sons against having their bodies tattooed. They may resist your talk now, but the time will come when they will thank you. A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body."

Like Hinkley, I cannot understand how anyone can tattoo the temple that God gave them, namely, their body. Do we adorn our actual Temples with such pictures and decorations? No, we do not. This is why we can not do so with our bodies. If President Hinkley cannot understand it, that is a good enough for me. We should not engage in anything that the brethern do not understand. My daughter and granddaughter will thank me one day. My daughter, when she came to pick up Michelle, told me that as her mother she decides rather or not Michelle get to have such a thing, and that she felt it was innocent and fine, and to please not go against her wishes in this matter.

I know that now my daughter resists my talk and actions, but I pray that one day she will appreciate my teaching dear Michelle gospel principles, like our dear President Hinkley proclaimed. 


  1. Stick-on tattoos are an affront righteousness. Why can people not grasp this plain truth? Does one give his or her infant child formula to drink from a Jim Beam bottle? Stick-on tattoos are, if anything, inherently more evil than candy cigarettes, faux heroin (I haven't seen any bogus heroin on the market yet, but in a world as evil as the one in which we live, surely it's out there), and pretend condoms, if only because fake tattoos appear more real.

    I shall write to my bishop, my stake president, each of the twelve apostles, and even the first presidency to make a direct plea that the temple recommend interview format be expanded to address this seemingly trivial but in reality iceberg-like issue of stick-on tattoos.
    When I was seven, I was given by a possibly well-intended but obviously adversary-inspired primary teacher a stick-on tattoo of the CTR insignia. In my childhood foolishness, I applied the stick-on CTR tattoo to my forehead. Fortunately for me, my grandmother saw it soon after I applied it. She removed the CTR insignia from my face with steel wool, which seemed at the time like overkill but sufficed to make a deep impression upon me, both literally and figuratively. My grandmother was right. Even a seemingly harmless stick-on tattoo in the image of a church-sponsored logo is evil.

    Note: this was posted in the wrong place, so I moved it and deleted it in the other place.

  2. Thank you for you righteousness in the matter, Alexis. The Lord is pleased.
